【落笔成典 书写人生】——访华人艺术领袖李永清

发布时间:2021-03-18 10:46 | 来源: 未知 | 作者: 金融小哥 |


李永清(1948 )江苏响水人,现为淮安长江书院院长,中国老年书画研究会会员,中国书画家协会常务理事,中国楹联协会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,淮安市老年书画研究会副会长,世界华人华侨艺术家联合会会员,中国海峡两岸书画家协会会员,北京华夏兰亭书画院院士,艺联网特聘艺术家,一级书法师。

Li Yongqing (1948), a native of Xiangshui, Jiangsu Province, is currently the Dean of Huai 'an Changjiang Academy, a member of China Senior Painting and Calligraphy Research Association, an executive director of China Calligraphers Association, deputy secretary-general of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplets Association, vice-president of Huai 'an Senior Painting and Calligraphy Research Association, a member of the World Federation of Chinese Overseas Chinese Artists, a member of Chinese Cross-Strait Calligraphers Association, an academician of Beijing Huaxia Lanting Painting and Calligraphy Institute, a special artist of art networking, and a first-class calligrapher.





I loved calligraphy since I was a child, especially studying Huai Su's "Thousand Characters", "Self-Narrative Post" and Sun Guoting's "Shupu". In recent years, he has actively participated in the National Calligraphy Competition. In 2016, he successively participated in the Eighth Cross-Strait Painting and Calligraphy Art Exchange Exhibition and the National Exhibition of Famous Paintings and Calligraphy Works of Middle-aged and Old People in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's birth by "revolutionary pioneers" for dozens of times.


After work, Mr. Li Yongqing insisted on self-study for a long time, extensively involved in ancient inscriptions, studied carefully, and was good at summing up experience in practice. At the end of 1990s, he began to focus on the study of Tiexue, taking the book style of Two Kings as the foundation, and attacking various families at the same time, especially painstakingly studying the brushwork skills. At the same time, the ancient calligraphy forms and modern aesthetic concepts are skillfully combined to gradually form their own unique style.




取法为上师书谱 觉悟书道源藏真


Take the method as the master's book spectrum, realize the source of the book and hide the truth

-Remember the famous calligrapher Li Yongqing


If calligraphy can't learn from the ancient style, it will inevitably be impetuous, and it will always have a new and beautiful appearance, but not a simple reality. Mr. Li Yongqing, a calligrapher, honed his calligraphy, knowing that cursive script, if it only pays attention to appearance but neglects connotation, is difficult to enter the true meaning! As the saying goes, the eldest brother is tired of it, beautiful and beautiful, and tired of its righteousness. Wang Yucheng in the Song Dynasty also criticized this, that is, it is more brilliant to take a pen. The reason why calligraphy can endure for thousands of years is that its essence can stand chewing and taste, rather than satisfying the eyes of the world only by its appearance.





Li Yongqing's calligraphy study and creation are well versed in the above book theory, so he is obsessed with studying the famous posts of the sages of the past dynasties one by one, taking the law as the best, and aspiring to the law! His calligraphy obviously chose a very simple and ancient way. Thinking about the iron point and silver hook of Huai Su calligraphy, studying the wisdom, ingenuity and superiority of Sun Guoting's book spectrum! If you study hard and spare no effort to unlock the book, you will realize your true sense! Therefore, Mr. Wang's calligraphy is especially popular in cursive script! He has made great efforts in cursive writing. From the perspective of the meaning and rhyme of his cursive writing, all the works have the wonderful idea of short strokes and long strokes. His writing pays attention to conciseness and washing, his lines are not involved in lingering, and he is unrestrained and profligate to show the potential of words, but is temperate and suitable for dotted lines. Fit for fat and thin, writing is quite free and easy in front of fiber. Writing all kinds of images, with the beauty of nature, can not be achieved by force! This kind of grass can bring strong lasting appeal and visual space to viewers, which is neither extravagant nor chaotic!





In the whole creative process, Mr. Wang's pen and ink have reached the level of aplomb, and he can fully mobilize the Fiona Fang frustration and size of the brushwork. The dryness and wetness of the ink used is also fully integrated with the brushwork, and the pen and ink are unified, and the dots and strokes are wonderful. There's ink in the pen, and there's a pen in the ink. It's so shocking when the wind blows and the rain blows. What's wrong with falling flowers and snow? Obviously, he has a profound understanding of the expression of pen and ink, expressing the cursive script as the connotation of line art beyond measure! The pen and ink of the transportation is written from the big place and cleaned up in the details. There is no lack of delicacy in the vastness. There is no river's lake to see, so you must write authentic work!


There is a saying in the book theory that cursive script needs to be complacent besides learning from the ancient law. Li Yongqing's cursive script, with its ancient lines, can stand on its own feet, break through many constraints on rice paper, and use the personality change of speed and rhythm, the separation of fonts and the personality structure between lines to make the cursive script contain personal lyric images, which is the self-satisfaction of handwriting my heart! When the glyph is low, it is soaring, and sometimes it is violent, just like Wan Ma Benteng. The writing is ups and downs, the movement is staggered, and the bank collapses. In addition, with the cultivation of contemporary literati, his works are filled with the modernist expression spirit of calligraphy, with pen and ink as the spirits of the times, beautiful interest, harmony and multi-interest, ups and downs of views, but without losing order!





Take the method as the master's book spectrum, and realize that the book source hides the truth. As a calligrapher, he must have a comprehensive education, and only by virtue and art can the same calligraphy content show different humanistic artistic conception. Mr. Li Yongqing has the accomplishment of extraordinary knowledge, and also has the pattern of superhuman writing, so grass writing is expensive and has cultural taste! Learn to nourish ink, and sublimate calligraphy with character. This kind of creative mentality and awareness of learning is worth learning from and learning from many book learners today, and all those who are talented are the same!


Text/Lin Zhixian [popular science writer, first-class painting and calligraphy critic]

































